Category: Eberhardt Bakery Equipment

  • Eberhardt Bun Divider and Rounder Optimat S Fully Automatic

    GENERAL INFORMATION The Bun and Roll Divider and Rounder that Operates with extra care. The OPTIMAT S is contructed using the latest technical innovations. The OPTIMAT S is suitable for all dough consistencies even sticky, soft or well risen doughs are treated gently and carefully. The Hydraulic makes it possible. The sensitivity of the OPTIMAT…

  • Eberhardt Bun Divider and Rounder Piccolo Semi Automatic

    GENERAL INFORMATION For optimally divided and moulded buns. Quick and easy to use. The PICCOLO is constructed according to the latest technological standards in the sector of bakery technology. It divides and moulds all common sorts of dough. Thus, your obtain optimally rounded pieces of dough for pastry of best quality. The PICCOLO is easy…

  • Eberhardt Spiral Mixer – Modell Maximat

    Eberhardt Spiral Mixer – Modell Maximat

    GENERAL INFORMATION Forward-looking spiral mixing technology for optimal baking quality. The large curved stainless steel spiral with its special square profile grants you important advantages.The natural ingredients of your dough are gently handled and get less squeezed between spiral and bowl (minimal warming of the dough). The MAXIMAT square-spiral mixing technology kneads all kinds of…

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